Monday, January 17, 2011

Enabling AuditTrail Functionality to capture changes to project status

Set profile Option
1. Log in with the responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation Path: System/profile
2. Query on profile option: AuditTrail:Activate

3. Ensure that this profile option is set to yes at site level and not overwriten by a No at application level ( valid values are yes or null when it is defined at site level as indicated above)

1. Log in with the responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation Path: Security/AuditTrail/Install
2. Query on profile option: Oracle Username : PA

3. Ensure that the user account for Oracle Project Accounts is checked as enabled for audit 

Define the Audit Group
1. Log in with the responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation Path: Security/AuditTrail/Groups
2. Create an audit group for the application projects

3. Add PA_PROJECTS_ALL table in the audit tables list

Define the Audit Columns
1. Log in with the responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation Path: Security/AuditTrail/Tables
2. Query on the Table Name PA_PROJECTS_ALL and add the column PROJECT_STATUS_CODE to it

AuditTrail Update tables
1. Log in with the responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation Path: Requests/Run
2. Submit the report: AuditTrail Update Tables

Tables Schema created

select * from dba_objects
where object_name like 'PA_PROJECTS_ALL_A'

AuditTrail Report for Audit Group Validation
1. Log in with the responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation Path: Requests/Run
2. Submit the report: AuditTrail Report for Audit Group Validation by choosing the audit group in parameters

This process creates Shadow Tables with the same data type columns. Shadow Tables have the name _A which mirror the audited tables. (in our example the audited table is PA_PROJECTS_ALL and the shadow table is PA_PROJECTS_ALL _A).It also creates views on the Shadow Tables with the name _AC1 and _AV1 which allow access to the data in the Shadow Tables.

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