l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
l_return_status VARCHAR2 (1);
l_pm_product_code VARCHAR2 (10);
l_out_pa_task_id NUMBER;
l_out_pm_task_reference VARCHAR2 (2000);
l_output VARCHAR2 (2000);
l_msg_dummy VARCHAR2 (2000);
api_error EXCEPTION;
n NUMBER := 0;
l_pa_project_id NUMBER := :project_id;
pa_interface_utils_pub.set_global_info (p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_responsibility_id => :Responsibility_id,
p_user_id => :User_id,
p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
p_return_status => l_return_status
(p_api_version_number => '1.0',
p_commit => 'F',
p_init_msg_list => 'F',
p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
p_return_status => l_return_status,
p_pm_product_code => l_pm_product_code,
p_pa_project_id => l_pa_project_id,
p_pa_task_id => :pa_task_id,
-- p_task_description => 'TEST DESC1',
p_tasks_dff => 'N',
p_out_pa_task_id => l_out_pa_task_id,
p_out_pm_task_reference => l_out_pm_task_reference
IF l_return_status <> 'S'
FOR n IN 1 .. l_msg_count
fnd_msg_pub.get (n, fnd_api.g_false, l_msg_data, l_msg_dummy);
l_output := (TO_CHAR (n) || ': ' || l_msg_data);
( 'Error: API Error while updating the Task: '
|| l_output
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Sucessfully Update the task');
WHEN api_error
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('API Error in Project: ');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Other Error in Project: ' || SQLERRM);
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Steps to customize the PO Approval Workflow.
1. Take the seeded workflow (POAPPRV)
2. Right click on the Item TYpe and create a new Item TYpe .
3. Open the Seeded Workflow(POAPPRV) in other window .
4. Copy and paste ATTRIBUTES, NOTIFICATIONs, FUNCTIONS and PROCESSES etc from the the seeded workflow to the Newly named workflow .
5. Verify the workflow
6. Customize the new workflow according to your needs.
7. Save the changes and port it to Oracle.
Login with a PO Super User responsibility, go to Setup -> Document Types, select the PO types for which you want to use the custom workflow, and change workflow fields 'Approval Workflow' and 'Workflow Startup Process' to the new ones.
2. Right click on the Item TYpe and create a new Item TYpe .
3. Open the Seeded Workflow(POAPPRV) in other window .
4. Copy and paste ATTRIBUTES, NOTIFICATIONs, FUNCTIONS and PROCESSES etc from the the seeded workflow to the Newly named workflow .
5. Verify the workflow
6. Customize the new workflow according to your needs.
7. Save the changes and port it to Oracle.
Login with a PO Super User responsibility, go to Setup -> Document Types, select the PO types for which you want to use the custom workflow, and change workflow fields 'Approval Workflow' and 'Workflow Startup Process' to the new ones.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
API to Close Purchase Order
To Close the PO we need to pass 'CLOSE' to the p_action variable and make sure to pass 'N' to the p_auto_close.
To Close the PO we need to pass 'CLOSE' to the p_action variable and make sure to pass 'N' to the p_auto_close.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sql Query to find Unbaselined Fundings
SELECT ppf.project_number, ppf.project_name,
pps.project_system_status_code project_status, ppf.task_number,
ppf.task_name, paa.agreement_num, paa.agreement_type,
paa.amount agreement_amount, ppf.allocated_amount funding_amount,
ppf.date_allocated, ppf.funding_category,
ppf.budget_type_code baseline_status, ppf.last_update_date,
fu.user_name last_updated_by
FROM pa_agreements_all paa,
pa_project_fundings_v ppf,
fnd_user fu,
pa_projects_all ppa,
pa_project_statuses pps
WHERE paa.agreement_id = ppf.agreement_id
AND ppa.project_status_code = pps.project_status_code
AND ppa.project_id = ppf.project_id
AND fu.user_id = ppf.last_updated_by
AND ppf.budget_type_code <> 'BASELINE'
ORDER BY paa.agreement_id;
pps.project_system_status_code project_status, ppf.task_number,
ppf.task_name, paa.agreement_num, paa.agreement_type,
paa.amount agreement_amount, ppf.allocated_amount funding_amount,
ppf.date_allocated, ppf.funding_category,
ppf.budget_type_code baseline_status, ppf.last_update_date,
fu.user_name last_updated_by
FROM pa_agreements_all paa,
pa_project_fundings_v ppf,
fnd_user fu,
pa_projects_all ppa,
pa_project_statuses pps
WHERE paa.agreement_id = ppf.agreement_id
AND ppa.project_status_code = pps.project_status_code
AND ppa.project_id = ppf.project_id
AND fu.user_id = ppf.last_updated_by
AND ppf.budget_type_code <> 'BASELINE'
ORDER BY paa.agreement_id;
Sql Script to find Projects which are funded by multiple Sales Order (Agreement)
SELECT paa.agreement_num sales_order, ppa.segment1 project_number,
paps.project_status_name project_status,
pspf.total_baselined_amount funding_amount,
TRUNC (pspf.last_update_date) last_funding_date, '-Budget-',
FROM pa_projects_all ppa,
(SELECT pspf.project_id
FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pspf
WHERE 1 = 1
GROUP BY pspf.project_id
HAVING COUNT (*) > 1) multi,
FROM pa_budget_versions
WHERE budget_type_code = 'Revenue Budget'
AND budget_status_code = 'B'
AND current_flag = 'Y') pbv,
pa_summary_project_fundings pspf,
pa_project_classes ppct,
pa_agreements_all paa,
pa_employees pa,
pabv_key_members pkm
WHERE multi.project_id = ppa.project_id
AND pspf.project_id = ppa.project_id
AND paa.agreement_id = pspf.agreement_id
AND paps.project_status_code = ppa.project_status_code
AND ppa.project_id = pbv.project_id(+)
AND pa.person_id = pkm.person_id
AND pkm.project_id = ppa.project_id
AND pkm.project_role_type = 'PROJECT MANAGER'
and NVL (PKM.END_EFFECTIVE_DATE, TRUNC (sysdate)) >= TRUNC (sysdate)
and NVL (PA.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE, TRUNC (sysdate)) >= TRUNC (sysdate)
AND current_flag = 'Y'
AND paps.project_status_name <> 'Not Acquired'
AND ppa.template_flag = 'N'
paps.project_status_name project_status,
pspf.total_baselined_amount funding_amount,
TRUNC (pspf.last_update_date) last_funding_date, '-Budget-',
FROM pa_projects_all ppa,
(SELECT pspf.project_id
FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pspf
WHERE 1 = 1
GROUP BY pspf.project_id
HAVING COUNT (*) > 1) multi,
FROM pa_budget_versions
WHERE budget_type_code = 'Revenue Budget'
AND budget_status_code = 'B'
AND current_flag = 'Y') pbv,
pa_summary_project_fundings pspf,
pa_project_classes ppct,
pa_agreements_all paa,
pa_employees pa,
pabv_key_members pkm
WHERE multi.project_id = ppa.project_id
AND pspf.project_id = ppa.project_id
AND paa.agreement_id = pspf.agreement_id
AND paps.project_status_code = ppa.project_status_code
AND ppa.project_id = pbv.project_id(+)
AND pa.person_id = pkm.person_id
AND pkm.project_id = ppa.project_id
AND pkm.project_role_type = 'PROJECT MANAGER'
and NVL (PKM.END_EFFECTIVE_DATE, TRUNC (sysdate)) >= TRUNC (sysdate)
and NVL (PA.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE, TRUNC (sysdate)) >= TRUNC (sysdate)
AND current_flag = 'Y'
AND paps.project_status_name <> 'Not Acquired'
AND ppa.template_flag = 'N'
Sql Script to extract Vendor, Project, Receipt information for a PO
SELECT pha.po_header_id, pha.segment1 po_number, pov.vendor_name,
pov.segment1 vendor_num, pla.line_num po_line_number, pla.item_id,
(SELECT MAX (segment1)
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE inventory_item_id = pla.item_id) item,
DECODE (NVL (pla.item_id, 0),
0, NULL,
) item_description,
DECODE (pla.cancel_flag,
DECODE (pha.authorization_status,
NVL (pha.authorization_status, 'INCOMPLETE')
) authorization_status,
DECODE (pla.cancel_flag,
'Y', 'N/A',
DECODE (pha.authorization_status,
'APPROVED', DECODE (NVL (pla.closed_code, 'b'),
) po_status,
pha.creation_date date_issued, pla.creation_date line_creation_date,
(pda.quantity_ordered - pda.quantity_cancelled) po_quantity,
(NVL (pla.unit_price, 0) * NVL (pda.quantity_ordered, 0)
) po_line_amt,
(NVL (pla.unit_price, 0) * NVL (pda.quantity_cancelled, 0)
) po_cancelled_amount,
(NVL (pla.unit_price, 0) * NVL (pda.quantity_delivered, 0)
) po_line_received_amount,
rt.transaction_date receipt_date,
TO_CHAR (rt.transaction_date, 'MON-RR') receipt_month,
(DECODE (NVL (rt.transaction_type, 'a'),
'RETURN TO VENDOR', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
'RETURN TO RECEIVING', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
NVL (rt.quantity, 0)
) receipt_quantity,
( NVL (rt.po_unit_price, 0)
* DECODE (NVL (rt.transaction_type, 'a'),
'RETURN TO VENDOR', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
'RETURN TO RECEIVING', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
NVL (rt.quantity, 0)
) receipt_amount,
ai.invoice_id, ai.invoice_num, ai.invoice_amount, ai.amount_paid,
ai.invoice_date, aid.quantity_invoiced, aid.amount inv_line_amount,
ppa.project_id, ppa.segment1 project_number, ppa.NAME project_name,
(SELECT full_name
FROM pa_project_players_v
WHERE project_id = ppa.project_id
AND NVL (end_date_active, SYSDATE) IN (
SELECT MAX (NVL (end_date_active, SYSDATE))
FROM pa_project_players_v
WHERE 1 = 1
AND project_id = ppa.project_id
AND ROWNUM < 2) "Project Manager",
total_billings.invoice_amount total_actual_billings
FROM po_headers_all pha,
po_lines_all pla,
po_distributions_all pda,
ap_invoices_all ai,
ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
rcv_transactions rt,
rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
po_vendors pov,
pa_projects_all ppa,
(SELECT i.project_id, SUM (NVL (ii.inv_amount, 0)) invoice_amount
FROM pa_draft_invoices_all i, pa_draft_inv_items_bas ii
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ii.project_id(+) = i.project_id
AND ii.draft_invoice_num(+) = i.draft_invoice_num
AND i.pa_date < ((SELECT end_date
FROM pa_periods_all ppi
WHERE ppi.current_pa_period_flag = 'Y') + 1)
GROUP BY i.project_id) total_billings
WHERE pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
AND pda.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
AND pda.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
AND pha.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id
AND pda.po_distribution_id = aid.po_distribution_id(+)
AND aid.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id(+)
AND pla.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id(+)
AND rt.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id(+)
AND rt.destination_type_code(+) = 'RECEIVING'
AND pda.project_id = ppa.project_id(+)
AND ppa.project_id = total_billings.project_id(+)
pov.segment1 vendor_num, pla.line_num po_line_number, pla.item_id,
(SELECT MAX (segment1)
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE inventory_item_id = pla.item_id) item,
DECODE (NVL (pla.item_id, 0),
0, NULL,
) item_description,
DECODE (pla.cancel_flag,
DECODE (pha.authorization_status,
NVL (pha.authorization_status, 'INCOMPLETE')
) authorization_status,
DECODE (pla.cancel_flag,
'Y', 'N/A',
DECODE (pha.authorization_status,
'APPROVED', DECODE (NVL (pla.closed_code, 'b'),
) po_status,
pha.creation_date date_issued, pla.creation_date line_creation_date,
(pda.quantity_ordered - pda.quantity_cancelled) po_quantity,
(NVL (pla.unit_price, 0) * NVL (pda.quantity_ordered, 0)
) po_line_amt,
(NVL (pla.unit_price, 0) * NVL (pda.quantity_cancelled, 0)
) po_cancelled_amount,
(NVL (pla.unit_price, 0) * NVL (pda.quantity_delivered, 0)
) po_line_received_amount,
rt.transaction_date receipt_date,
TO_CHAR (rt.transaction_date, 'MON-RR') receipt_month,
(DECODE (NVL (rt.transaction_type, 'a'),
'RETURN TO VENDOR', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
'RETURN TO RECEIVING', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
NVL (rt.quantity, 0)
) receipt_quantity,
( NVL (rt.po_unit_price, 0)
* DECODE (NVL (rt.transaction_type, 'a'),
'RETURN TO VENDOR', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
'RETURN TO RECEIVING', NVL (rt.quantity * (-1), 0),
NVL (rt.quantity, 0)
) receipt_amount,
ai.invoice_id, ai.invoice_num, ai.invoice_amount, ai.amount_paid,
ai.invoice_date, aid.quantity_invoiced, aid.amount inv_line_amount,
ppa.project_id, ppa.segment1 project_number, ppa.NAME project_name,
(SELECT full_name
FROM pa_project_players_v
WHERE project_id = ppa.project_id
AND NVL (end_date_active, SYSDATE) IN (
SELECT MAX (NVL (end_date_active, SYSDATE))
FROM pa_project_players_v
WHERE 1 = 1
AND project_id = ppa.project_id
AND ROWNUM < 2) "Project Manager",
total_billings.invoice_amount total_actual_billings
FROM po_headers_all pha,
po_lines_all pla,
po_distributions_all pda,
ap_invoices_all ai,
ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
rcv_transactions rt,
rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
po_vendors pov,
pa_projects_all ppa,
(SELECT i.project_id, SUM (NVL (ii.inv_amount, 0)) invoice_amount
FROM pa_draft_invoices_all i, pa_draft_inv_items_bas ii
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ii.project_id(+) = i.project_id
AND ii.draft_invoice_num(+) = i.draft_invoice_num
AND i.pa_date < ((SELECT end_date
FROM pa_periods_all ppi
WHERE ppi.current_pa_period_flag = 'Y') + 1)
GROUP BY i.project_id) total_billings
WHERE pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
AND pda.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
AND pda.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
AND pha.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id
AND pda.po_distribution_id = aid.po_distribution_id(+)
AND aid.invoice_id = ai.invoice_id(+)
AND pla.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id(+)
AND rt.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id(+)
AND rt.destination_type_code(+) = 'RECEIVING'
AND pda.project_id = ppa.project_id(+)
AND ppa.project_id = total_billings.project_id(+)
Script to Approve PO Requisition
/* Formatted on 2010/05/15 11:23 (Formatter Plus v4.8.0) */
l_itemkey VARCHAR2 (200);
l_po_id NUMBER := :PO_HEADER_ID;
l_po_number VARCHAR2 (200) := :REQUISITION_NUMBER;
SELECT l_po_id || '-' || TO_CHAR (po_wf_itemkey_s.NEXTVAL)
INTO l_itemkey
wf_engine.createprocess ('REQAPPRV',
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'APPLICATION_ID',
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'USER_ID',
avalue => :USER_ID
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'SUBMITTER_ID',
avalue => :BUYER_ID
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'DOCUMENT_ID',
avalue => l_po_id
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => l_po_number
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'ORG_ID',
avalue => :ORG_ID
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'PURCHASE'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'DOCUMENT_TYPE',
avalue => 'REQUISITION'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'Purchase Requisition'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'APPROVED'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'Approved'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'Y'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'PO_FORM'
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_itemkey);
wf_engine.startprocess ('REQAPPRV', l_itemkey);
l_itemkey VARCHAR2 (200);
l_po_id NUMBER := :PO_HEADER_ID;
l_po_number VARCHAR2 (200) := :REQUISITION_NUMBER;
SELECT l_po_id || '-' || TO_CHAR (po_wf_itemkey_s.NEXTVAL)
INTO l_itemkey
wf_engine.createprocess ('REQAPPRV',
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'APPLICATION_ID',
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'USER_ID',
avalue => :USER_ID
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'SUBMITTER_ID',
avalue => :BUYER_ID
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'DOCUMENT_ID',
avalue => l_po_id
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => l_po_number
wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'ORG_ID',
avalue => :ORG_ID
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'PURCHASE'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
aname => 'DOCUMENT_TYPE',
avalue => 'REQUISITION'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'Purchase Requisition'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'APPROVED'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'Approved'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'Y'
wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => 'REQAPPRV',
itemkey => l_itemkey,
avalue => 'PO_FORM'
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_itemkey);
wf_engine.startprocess ('REQAPPRV', l_itemkey);
Script to cancel PO Requisition
l_return_status VARCHAR2 (1000);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (1000);
lv_header_id po_tbl_number;
lv_line_id po_tbl_number;
l_msg_dummy VARCHAR2 (2000);
l_output VARCHAR2 (2000);
m := 1;
lv_header_id := po_tbl_number (:REQ_HEADER_ID);
lv_line_id := po_tbl_number (:REQ_LINE_ID);
(p_api_version => 1.0,
p_req_header_id => lv_header_id,
p_req_line_id => lv_line_id,
p_cancel_date => SYSDATE,
p_cancel_reason => 'Cancelled Requisition',
p_source => 'REQUISITION',
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_return_status);
IF l_return_status <> 'S'
fnd_msg_pub.get (m, fnd_api.g_false, l_msg_data, l_msg_dummy);
l_output := (TO_CHAR (m) || ': ' || l_msg_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_output);
l_return_status VARCHAR2 (1000);
l_msg_count NUMBER;
l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (1000);
lv_header_id po_tbl_number;
lv_line_id po_tbl_number;
l_msg_dummy VARCHAR2 (2000);
l_output VARCHAR2 (2000);
m := 1;
lv_header_id := po_tbl_number (:REQ_HEADER_ID);
lv_line_id := po_tbl_number (:REQ_LINE_ID);
(p_api_version => 1.0,
p_req_header_id => lv_header_id,
p_req_line_id => lv_line_id,
p_cancel_date => SYSDATE,
p_cancel_reason => 'Cancelled Requisition',
p_source => 'REQUISITION',
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_return_status);
IF l_return_status <> 'S'
fnd_msg_pub.get (m, fnd_api.g_false, l_msg_data, l_msg_dummy);
l_output := (TO_CHAR (m) || ': ' || l_msg_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_output);
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Restrict 'Change Status' button on Projects Screen
1. Navigation: System Administrator -> Responsibility -> Define
2. Query for the Responsibility Name to which we want to restrict the button
3. Under the Menu Exclusions tab include the Menu ‘Project Status Function Security Menu’
This will grey out the 'Change Status' button and the user will not be able to update the status.
2. Query for the Responsibility Name to which we want to restrict the button
3. Under the Menu Exclusions tab include the Menu ‘Project Status Function Security Menu’
This will grey out the 'Change Status' button and the user will not be able to update the status.
Form error while trying to update Projects 'FRM-40654: Record has been updated. Requery block to see change'
While trying to update a Project we were getting the following error:
'FRM-40654: Record has been updated. Requery block to see change'
On investigation we found that the issue is due to trailing or leading spaces in attribute columns for the project. Oracle has provided a fix for this:
Refer to the Metalink DOC ID 362800.1
Run this script with the 'Automatically Fix all the errors Found' parameter as 'N' initially to determine the columns with the trailing or leading spaces. Once you analyze the data and everything looks good then we can run the script again with 'Automatically Fix all the errors Found' parameter as 'Y'.
'FRM-40654: Record has been updated. Requery block to see change'
On investigation we found that the issue is due to trailing or leading spaces in attribute columns for the project. Oracle has provided a fix for this:
Refer to the Metalink DOC ID 362800.1
Run this script with the 'Automatically Fix all the errors Found' parameter as 'N' initially to determine the columns with the trailing or leading spaces. Once you analyze the data and everything looks good then we can run the script again with 'Automatically Fix all the errors Found' parameter as 'Y'.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
How to add logo on 'PO Output for Communication' report - PO_STANDARD_XSLFO
1. Login as a user with the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility and then navigate to the Home: Templates page.
2. From the XML Publisher Templage page, query for 'PO_STANDARD_XSLFO' code and click on the 'Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet' in the Create Template section.
3. On the View Template page Scroll down to the Add File section and click the Download link. This will pop save/Open option for the 'PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl' spreadsheet. Save the file to your local disk.
4. Scroll up again to the General section and click the Update button.
5. Apply the end date with history date. Preferably the end date should be (SYSDATE-1) and click Apply button. This will end date the standard template.
6. Locate the 'PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl' on your local drive. Open the file in Wordpad and press ctl+f to find the 'Logo' string in the file. Uncomment the and strings. This code is used to display the image at top left corner in the first page. The complete block after changes should read as below:

7. Save the file and make sure that you have taken appropiate backup of the XSL spreadsheet before doing any updates.
8. Navigate to XML Publisher Template page again. Click the Create Template button link and enter data per the following steps:
i. Enter a unique name in the Name field -- Custom Purchase Order Stylesheet
ii. Enter unique code in the Code field -- PO_STANDARD_XSLFO1
iii. Enter Purchasing in the Application field
iv. Select XSL-FO from the Type drop-down list box
v. Enter Standard Purchase Order Data Source in the Data Definitionbox -- Standard Purchase Order Data Source
vi. Click the Browse button and navigate to the edited PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl file where it is located on your
vii. Enter English in the Language box
Viii.Click Apply button
9. Login with Purchasing Super User responsibility and then navigate to Setup / Organizations / Purchasing Options / Control TAB / set 'PO Output Format' = 'PDF'
10. Navigate to setup / purchasing / document types / select "Standard Purchase Order" / Set the Document Type Layout to your new template.
2. From the XML Publisher Templage page, query for 'PO_STANDARD_XSLFO' code and click on the 'Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet' in the Create Template section.
3. On the View Template page Scroll down to the Add File section and click the Download link. This will pop save/Open option for the 'PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl' spreadsheet. Save the file to your local disk.
4. Scroll up again to the General section and click the Update button.
5. Apply the end date with history date. Preferably the end date should be (SYSDATE-1) and click Apply button. This will end date the standard template.
6. Locate the 'PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl' on your local drive. Open the file in Wordpad and press ctl+f to find the 'Logo' string in the file. Uncomment the

7. Save the file and make sure that you have taken appropiate backup of the XSL spreadsheet before doing any updates.
8. Navigate to XML Publisher Template page again. Click the Create Template button link and enter data per the following steps:
i. Enter a unique name in the Name field -- Custom Purchase Order Stylesheet
ii. Enter unique code in the Code field -- PO_STANDARD_XSLFO1
iii. Enter Purchasing in the Application field
iv. Select XSL-FO from the Type drop-down list box
v. Enter Standard Purchase Order Data Source in the Data Definitionbox -- Standard Purchase Order Data Source
vi. Click the Browse button and navigate to the edited PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl file where it is located on your
vii. Enter English in the Language box
Viii.Click Apply button
9. Login with Purchasing Super User responsibility and then navigate to Setup / Organizations / Purchasing Options / Control TAB / set 'PO Output Format' = 'PDF'
10. Navigate to setup / purchasing / document types / select "Standard Purchase Order" / Set the Document Type Layout to your new template.
Monday, January 11, 2010
p_datetrack_update_mode, p_datetrack_delete_mode
Understanding the p_datetrack_update_mode Control Parameter in HRMS API
The p_datetract_update_mode control parameter enables you to define the type of DateTrack change to be made. This mandatory parameter must be set to one of the values as mentioned below:
UPDATE - Keep history of existing information
CORRECTION - Correct existing information
UPDATE_OVERRIDE - Replace all scheduled changes
UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT - Insert this change before next scheduled change
Understanding the p_datetrack_delete_mode Control Parameter
The p_datetract_update_mode control parameter enables you to define the type of DateTrack deletion to be made. This mandatory parameter must be set to one of the following values:
ZAP - Completely remove from the database
DELETE - Set end date to effective date
FUTURE_CHANGE - Remove all scheduled changes
DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE - Remove next change
The p_datetract_update_mode control parameter enables you to define the type of DateTrack change to be made. This mandatory parameter must be set to one of the values as mentioned below:
UPDATE - Keep history of existing information
CORRECTION - Correct existing information
UPDATE_OVERRIDE - Replace all scheduled changes
UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT - Insert this change before next scheduled change
Understanding the p_datetrack_delete_mode Control Parameter
The p_datetract_update_mode control parameter enables you to define the type of DateTrack deletion to be made. This mandatory parameter must be set to one of the following values:
ZAP - Completely remove from the database
DELETE - Set end date to effective date
FUTURE_CHANGE - Remove all scheduled changes
DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE - Remove next change
delete mode,
update and delete modes,
Update mode
Sunday, January 10, 2010
How to clear Apache Cache from Application without bouncing listener.
While going through one of the HRMS blogs i stumbled on a very interesting article on how to clear the Apache cache without bouncing the listener. Here are the steps:
1. Navigate to "Functional Administrator" responsibility.
2. Once logged in click on the "Core Services" tab.
3. Click on "Caching Framework" link in the blue menu bar.
4. Click on "Global Configuration" link in the left vertical menu.
5. In the "Cache Policy" region click on the "Clear All Cache" button.
6. Click the "Yes" button to confirm the action.
7. Click the "Apply" button to apply the changes.
The above steps will clear the apache cache without the need of bouncing by the DBA's
1. Navigate to "Functional Administrator" responsibility.
2. Once logged in click on the "Core Services" tab.
3. Click on "Caching Framework" link in the blue menu bar.
4. Click on "Global Configuration" link in the left vertical menu.
5. In the "Cache Policy" region click on the "Clear All Cache" button.
6. Click the "Yes" button to confirm the action.
7. Click the "Apply" button to apply the changes.
The above steps will clear the apache cache without the need of bouncing by the DBA's
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